Friday, October 31, 2014

Articles of clothing and the fat dormouse

After a little review with a fun little song about body parts, we dived right in to learning articles of clothing and described what we were wearing and identified articles of clothing on a worksheet. 

The first video this week is a traditional children's song we may learn in class. It is about a Hampelmann (Jumping Jack) getting dressed in the morning. Students should recognize most of the clothing words. 

Then we read our first story about Bobo Siebenschläfer, a sweet little dormouse who ends almost all of his little adventures fast asleep. Bobo is a popular German character for young children and the pictures and simple language make it especially easy for children to follow along. This is the same story we read and talked about in class.

 And since we don't have much experience with dormice here in the United States ("der Siebenschläfer" may be their first word they learned in German before learning in English!), a short video in English about this cute little rodent. 

Did you know the fat dormouse, or edible dormouse, got it's name because Roman soldiers caught them and ate them as snacks when marching? 

And finally, another episode of TroTro. In this episode, TroTro is getting dressed and students should recognize many of the words for the clothes he puts on since he puts on most of his wardrobe!

Have a great week!

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