Friday, February 27, 2015

Elementary German -- How are you!

A little behind this week, so I just have a couple of videos to practice what we learned on Tuesday. We're working on "Wie geht's?" (How are you?) The class can answer "gut" (good) or "schlecht" (bad).

This is a quick song that practices the question and a few different answers. Just click play and the English translation is in the left sidebar.

This video is quick, but goes over most of the introductory phrases we learned last semester (Ich komme aus -- I come from, Ich wohne in -- I live in). It's only 37 seconds long but gives a nice quick review.

And last but not least, some German teenagers greeting people in the streets. Germans aren't the most open to strangers approaching them in the street. I remember trying to complete a survey in Berlin and not being able to find anyone who would answer the questions! Small warning: a group of intoxicated men walk by part way through. They don't do anything other than say, "Hello" but you can definitely tell they've been drinking. It is very good to have a chance to listen to native speakers speaking at a normal rate. Don't worry about understanding everything they say. Just listen for the "hallo" and "wie geht's."

And in our Tro Tro for this week, things aren't going so well for Tro Tro. Teddy has disappeared! He searches everywhere for his little bear.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Frau Hanley

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