Thursday, October 10, 2013

Learning Body Parts

This week I introduced body parts with a very popular children's song known in many cultures: Kopf, Schulter, Knie und Fuß (literally, Head, Shoulders, Knee and Foot).  After that, we played a little Simon Sagt (Simon Says), and finished by coloring a monster. I gave directions in German while the children colored.

In the following video, Herr Antrim plays Kopf, Schulter, Knie und Fuß until he collapses. This is an excellent little song for children of all ages to learn some basic body parts.

I also wanted to start sharing episodes of a cute, three minute German cartoon: TroTro. It is about a young donkey exploring his world. Given the simple dialog and the adventures taken from the every day, the stories are very simple to understand. Even my two year old begs to watch more and it is my children's favorite part of their practice.

In this episode, TroTro pretends to be a little monster and scares his teddy bear, his friend in the sandbox, his mom while she tries to bake a cake and his father.. He goes off looking for someone else to scare when he is frightened by a little spider and runs back to his mom.

This is a brief introduction to the cartoon I made to help children get more out of watching the cartoon. I provide some simple words and phrases as well as a few short sentences for them to listen for while they watch.

And finally, enjoy the show! I hope to share a new cartoon each week until the end of the semester. I hope your children look forward to them as much as my children do!


  1. Thanks for sharing. Your cat is cute!
    Mikayla said, "I think he is playing hide and go seek".

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, that cat is definitely our hide and seek cat. He comes out when it is quiet. Next time I make a video, our new cat will probably try to steal the show. She thinks she needs to be in my lap all the time!

    Frau Hanley
