Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Learning words for extended family

Today we finished off learning words for family members by practicing words for grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle and male and female cousins. This fun little song we went over in class practices them all.

This quick online activity has students complete a family tree. When you click on a person's face, a voice will tell you who it is. Place it in the correct place to complete the family tree. Once it is finished, you will also have all the answers to the worksheet I sent home.

And this week's episode of TroTro is again fairly concrete. Which is good because I lost my voice this afternoon! TroTro has a little trouble getting up because he's still tired. His mother tells him to wash himself. And after breakfast, he has to do it all over again. Your children should hear a few words we have gone over in class (parts of the body, including hands, face, hair and teeth). Enjoy!

~Frau Hanley

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