Monday, March 10, 2014

Learning superlatives

Today in class, we introduced a new morning song. I want to open our classes with a song from now one. We will practice the same one several times to help learn them before moving on to a new one. Our first one was a very simple good morning song with four verbs to practice (nod, wave, smile and clap). I was not able to find it on YouTube, however, it is available on amazon for 99 cents.

Actually, most of the songs we sing in class are available through amazon so if you are interested in making your children an album of the songs we've sung, let me know and I will send you the links. Or stay tuned. I will compile them eventually.

To practice superlatives, we played hot and cold. One student left the room while another hid a little binder ring somewhere in plain view. The class then directed the other student toward the ring by saying "hotter," "hottest," "colder" and "coldest" (in German, of course).

And the video I sent out was of Daniel Tiger celebrating his own birthday party. This one is a little longer and may be a little more difficult for students to understand. There are a lot of words in it we've gone over in class, but I think it is good for students to hear the language spoken by native speakers as often as possible. It help build listening skills, will help with pronunciation later and helps them learn to look for context clues. This only helps if they're enjoying, it however! If they're frustrated with it, just turn it off. These videos are supposed to be a fun way to hear the language!

Happy viewing!

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