Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Learning colors

We took advantage of our co-op's Color Day and all of our brightly colored clothing to learn our colors in German today. After talking about the colors everyone was wearing, we learned what is perhaps the most well-known German children's song: Grün, grün, grün sind all meine Kleider. There are several different versions to the song. What we learned in class follows this version almost exactly. The video, however, says the careers twice and at the end of the song, we used a Künstler (artist) whereas it is a Maler (painter) in the version below. We also added in a Feuerwehrmann (fireman) so that we could add red to the song.

The children have coloring homework which matches the song so if they forget the German word between class and when they start on the homework, all the answers are in this video. Feel free to email me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

The last box on their homework says, "Ich trage ____________!" It means "I wear ________________!" There is no wrong answer. They can fill in any color word there and draw a picture of themselves wearing that color.

If you are able to take a little time to have them practice saying, "Ich trage _____________" with different colors, it will help them learn their colors and will also help prepare them for an upcoming lesson. In about three weeks, we will learn about clothes and if they have this sentence mastered, they only have to add on the names of the different articles of clothing and they will already be able to describe their outfits in German!

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