Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome to Elementary German!

Welcome to the virtual home of Elementary German, the class I am teaching at our homeschool co-op. Each week, I will update this blog with an overview of what we worked on in class and include videos to help reinforce new concepts at home and give your children the opportunity to hear native speakers as well. Since this is an immersion class, I will be speaking very little English. I believe this is the best and most engaging way to learn a foreign language and is essentially how we learned English (and how I learned German while living with a German family and attending a German high school). Especially in the beginning, however, it may be difficult for your child to tell you exactly what we did in class. This blog will help you understand what we're doing each week.

This will also give your child the opportunity to listen and practice the language for five to ten minutes per day, even if there is no one else at home who speaks German. A week without practice is a long time when learning a foreign language, especially for this age group! The summary and new videos will go up each Tuesday.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to leave a comment here, email me or call me (you should have received all my contact information when you signed up for class). Thank you very much and I look forward to working with you and your child this semester!

~ Frau Hanley

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